Friday, July 31, 2009

Summer News

Good morning,

We had a terrific turn out for Popsicles in the Park last evening with our new kindergarten friends. It was so much fun meeting, playing with and enjoying a good Popsicle with friends.

I’m happy to share with you some information about new tutoring/mentoring opportunities for Holmes students beginning this fall. In collaboration with Dominican University and Oak Park River Forest High School we are piloting a program in the 09-10 school year that will have OPRFHS seniors working as tutors and mentors to students at Holmes Elementary School. OPRFHS seniors who participate will receive training in strategic tutoring, child development, and behavior management through Dominican University, and they will work with students at school, after school hours, on a regular basis over the course of a semester.

This opportunity for seniors is intended to provide additional leadership positions for OPRFHS students and valuable instructional assistance for other students. Tutor/mentor candidates will have demonstrated a commitment to their own academic success and will have a strong interest in helping and being a role model to younger students, particularly those who may struggle academically.

More information to come as the school year begins!

Stay well,

Suzie Hackmiller

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Dear Holmes Families,

I hope this finds you and yours well and enjoying the best of summer.
We have been busy interviewing and hiring for the 2009-2010 school year.  It is with great pleasure that I introduce new staff to Holmes School and inform you of existing staff changes for the 2009-2010 school year.

As many of you know, we have two "looping"opportunities beginning this year with Ms. Jennings 3rd to 4th grade and Mrs. Merz 1st to 2nd grade.  "Looping" is a term used to describe the educational practice in which a single grade class remains with the same teacher for two or more years.  We are excited about these unique opportunities and are committed to exploring and offering other ways to enhance the educational experiences for our students.

As always, feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns or to simply say "hi."

Stay well,
Suzie Hackmilller


Julie Bernstein
Courtney Dohman
Shannon Saliny
Anne Kelly

First Grade
Peggy Callahan
Jessica Colella
Rachel Griffith
Marissa Merz

Second Grade
Debra Holt
Ellen Johnson
Sue Merz

Third Grade
Michelle Anderson
Margaret Ndiaye
Stella Turi

Fourth Grade
Colleen Cushing
Jeff Gehrke
Marianne Jennings
John McCauley

Fifth Grade
Nancy Devito
Melissa Manuel
Angela Peterson

Deborah Mercer, DLP (K-2)
Sarah Chilton, Resource (K-5)

Also joining our staff:
Keriaynn Strickler, Media Clerk
Jennifer Jaros, TA