Tuesday, September 29, 2009


September 23, 2009

Dear Holmes Families:
The school year is off to an exceptional start. Our enrollment is up, we have hired a new teacher and a new teaching assistant since the year began and we are in the midst of planning some incredible, unique opportunities for you and your children.
This year one area of focus will be about getting you, the parent community, as involved as we possibly can in our efforts to make your child’s experience the best it can be. In order for this to be successful, we need a commitment from each of you to join us.

In collaboration with Response to Intervention (RTI) our School Improvement Team (SIT) and staff made a commitment to globally benchmark all of our students three times per year. This benchmarking information will give us details about our students progress so that we can meet their individual needs most successfully. If it is determined through benchmarking that a student is in need of instructional support either above or below grade level, our support team will work closely with classroom teachers to ensure that appropriate interventions are in place. Students who are below grade level will be progress monitored every 4-6 weeks to evaluate the effectiveness of the instructional changes.

Earlier this month, we successfully benchmarked every Holmes student. In grades K-2, DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) which is a standardized, individually administered test that provides a measure of risk in the areas of letter naming fluency (K-1), initial sound fluency (K), phoneme segmentation (1), nonsense word fluency and/or oral reading fluency (1-2) was given. In grades 3-5, AIMSWEB, a progress monitoring assessment in the area of oral reading fluency, was administered.

In the coming days you will be receiving your child’s benchmarking information. Your child’s teacher will be reviewing this with you and discussing support programs at conferences in October. If you have not signed up for a conference time, please be sure to do so soon. Many of you will also be receiving an invitation to our Family Literacy Night. I encourage you to partner with us as we work to help your children be successful readers. We can’t do it without you.

For those who will be involved in an intervention program, you will be notified of the support service for your child through the assessment information or by the support staff who will be working with your child. Our after school S.T. A. R.S program will be by invitation only and will begin in early October. If your child currently has an Individual Education Plan (IEP), the intervention program will support the need identified in the IEP.

We are fortunate to be a part of the Power of Partnership program, which is a guided study and after school enrichment program in partnership with OPRF High School, Dominican University and Holmes School and is led by Frances Kraft. More information about this program can be obtained by contacting Ms. Kraft at Holmes School.

As you can see, we are off to a busy and focused beginning. I look forward to seeing you in and around the building as we partner together for all of our kids.
If you have any questions about the information in this letter or want information about a specific program, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Stay Well,

Suzie Hackmiller, Principal

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Welcome Back

August 4, 2009

Dear Holmes Families,

I hope that each of you is enjoying the remaining days of summer. I have enjoyed seeing many of you around town during the break. Whether you are a new family or a returning family, I am confident that this will be an awe-inspiring year at Holmes.

Our teachers and staff have been busy all summer preparing for the new school year. We are all anxious to see the children, to touch base with parents and guardians, and to carry on with the implementation of some innovative programs that will benefit our entire community.

In early September we will forge ahead with a new partnership between Dominican University, Oak Park River Forest High School and Holmes School. This partnership will involve strategic tutoring, as well as mentoring, by trained OPRFHS seniors and Dominican University graduate students. Look for more information about this exciting new opportunity soon.

As we continue our efforts to be “green” this coming school year we will take the next step with our recycling efforts, continue Waste Free Wednesday lunches and reduce the amount of paper that comes home. Please check our district and school websites as well as my blog (holmeshackmiller.blogspot.com) for most school related information. Remember to pay school fees on line as soon as possible. If you haven’t been by to see the Holmes School garden, it is worthy of a visit. I have already enjoyed a hearty helping of green and wax beans and am looking forward to squash and fresh garlic soon.

With the addition of full day kindergarten we are changing our lunch schedules a bit. Please pay close attention to this information in the “Ready, Set, Go” booklets that were recently mailed home. If you did not receive a “Ready, Set, Go” booklet please call the school office and we will be sure to get one to you.

Lunch times will be the same every day…11:00 a.m.

As many of you are aware, we had an exciting evening with our newest friends last week. About 50 of our kindergarteners and their families joined me, our kindergarten teachers and a few other staff, for popsicles and fun in the park. We all had so much fun that I am confident that “Popsicles in the Park” will be a long standing tradition each summer.

Our Welcome Night is August 20, 6:30-8:30 in the Multipurpose Room. Class lists, bus passes and other important information will be distributed then. Our first day (1/2 day) of school is August 25. Please refer to the “Ready, Set, Go” booklet for more detailed information about the first days of school.

Please join me in welcoming the following new staff members at Holmes:

Courtney Dohman-Kindergarten

Anne Kelly-Kindergarten

Shannon Saliny-Kindergarten

Angela Peterson-5th grade

Deborah Mercer-Primary Developmental Learning Program

Sarah Chilton (Rose) - Special Education

Megan Libke-Speech

Jennifer Jaros-Teaching Assistant

Joy Hudson-Teaching Assistant

Keriaynn Strickler-Media Clerk

Margaret O’Malley, Administrative Assistant

Be sure to check my blog (holmeshackmiller.blogspot.com) for information regarding assignment changes among teaching staff.

Following are upcoming dates to keep in mind:

August 20 Welcome Night

August 25 First ½ day of school

September 10 Curriculum Night

September 12 Harvest Social

September 16 PTO Meeting

I am looking forward to another stellar year!

Stay well,

Suzie Hackmiller


Friday, July 31, 2009

Summer News

Good morning,

We had a terrific turn out for Popsicles in the Park last evening with our new kindergarten friends. It was so much fun meeting, playing with and enjoying a good Popsicle with friends.

I’m happy to share with you some information about new tutoring/mentoring opportunities for Holmes students beginning this fall. In collaboration with Dominican University and Oak Park River Forest High School we are piloting a program in the 09-10 school year that will have OPRFHS seniors working as tutors and mentors to students at Holmes Elementary School. OPRFHS seniors who participate will receive training in strategic tutoring, child development, and behavior management through Dominican University, and they will work with students at school, after school hours, on a regular basis over the course of a semester.

This opportunity for seniors is intended to provide additional leadership positions for OPRFHS students and valuable instructional assistance for other students. Tutor/mentor candidates will have demonstrated a commitment to their own academic success and will have a strong interest in helping and being a role model to younger students, particularly those who may struggle academically.

More information to come as the school year begins!

Stay well,

Suzie Hackmiller

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Dear Holmes Families,

I hope this finds you and yours well and enjoying the best of summer.
We have been busy interviewing and hiring for the 2009-2010 school year.  It is with great pleasure that I introduce new staff to Holmes School and inform you of existing staff changes for the 2009-2010 school year.

As many of you know, we have two "looping"opportunities beginning this year with Ms. Jennings 3rd to 4th grade and Mrs. Merz 1st to 2nd grade.  "Looping" is a term used to describe the educational practice in which a single grade class remains with the same teacher for two or more years.  We are excited about these unique opportunities and are committed to exploring and offering other ways to enhance the educational experiences for our students.

As always, feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns or to simply say "hi."

Stay well,
Suzie Hackmilller


Julie Bernstein
Courtney Dohman
Shannon Saliny
Anne Kelly

First Grade
Peggy Callahan
Jessica Colella
Rachel Griffith
Marissa Merz

Second Grade
Debra Holt
Ellen Johnson
Sue Merz

Third Grade
Michelle Anderson
Margaret Ndiaye
Stella Turi

Fourth Grade
Colleen Cushing
Jeff Gehrke
Marianne Jennings
John McCauley

Fifth Grade
Nancy Devito
Melissa Manuel
Angela Peterson

Deborah Mercer, DLP (K-2)
Sarah Chilton, Resource (K-5)

Also joining our staff:
Keriaynn Strickler, Media Clerk
Jennifer Jaros, TA

Friday, April 17, 2009

Student Placement for 2009-2010

Dear Holmes Families,

I hope that everyone had a restful break!  As we move forward with the remainder of the school year, the next two months will be full of activities.

In addition to the excitement that the end of the year brings, it also reminds us that it is time to plan ahead for fall.  Soon we will begin the process of developing class lists for the 2009-2010 school year.  Special attention is given to having the same student body for each class, i.e., same number of students in each achievement group, behavior, gender, special programs, and learning style.

Input from parents is valued in the placement process.  If you would like to provide specific information that will impact your child’s achievement, please complete the Student Profile Worksheet.  Student Profile Worksheets are due to the classroom teacher by Friday, May 1st.  Specific teachers cannot be requested.  Rather, share the knowledge you have about your child, and the Holmes School staff will do the very best to place each student in a class that will best meet his/her needs.

The Holmes Staff will develop class lists based on the number of students at each grade level.  The process of creating class lists will ensure a fair and equitable process for all students.  Students and parents receive class placement information in late August.

Thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts and for working with us as a team to make the best placement decisions for all students.


Suzie Hackmiller, Principal

Letter for students in Ms. Jennings's 3rd grade

Oliver Wendell Holmes School   


 April 13, 2009

 Dear Parents/Guardians:

I hope that this note finds each of you enjoying the beginnings of the spring season.  In addition to the usual excitement that comes at the end of every school year, we also spend time planning in advance for the coming year.  Soon we will begin developing class lists for the 2009-2010 school year.

We are exploring an exciting opportunity that is available to us this coming school year.  Due to the large number of 3rd graders moving to 4th grade our current enrollment will require an additional teacher in 4th grade.  Therefore, we are considering looping Ms. Jennings current class to 4th grade.  “Looping” is a term used to describe the educational practice in which a single grade class remains with the same teacher for two or more years.  This practice is also known and referred to a continuous learning.  There are many advantages and academic benefits to this practice including a decrease in student anxiety for the coming year, an increased sense of community, less review of practices and procedures at the beginning of the year, as well as greater academic performance.

I would like to invite you to join Ms. Jennings and myself for an evening of discussion around the topic of “looping” on Tuesday, April 21st from 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. in Ms. Jennings class, Room #218.

I look forward to seeing you on the 21st.


Suzie Hackmiller, Principal

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

From the Desk of Ms. Hackmiller

PTO Auction:  Thanks to Kim Allgood and her auction committee for the hosting the best Holmes PTO Auction Event yet!  The official numbers aren't in but I am confident that many of you bid on and won some really terrific items.  Thanks to everyone who donated time, goods or services to be auctioned. Your continued support of our efforts to provide the best educational opportunities for our kids is appreciated.

ISAT:  ISAT testing comes to an end this week. Many of our students finished testing last week and did a fine job.  I am very proud of our students.  Their positive attitudes and great effort will surely be reflective in their scores.

Report Cards:  Trimester 2 ended March 6 and report cards can be expected March 20.

Attendance:  Research shows that children who are in school most of the time perform at a higher level.  Being late for school hurts a child's learning.  A student who is 10 minutes late every day misses 30 hours of instruction during the year.  Children can copy notes or make up assignments, but they can never get back what's most important: the discussions, the questions, the explanations by the teacher and the thinking that makes learning come alive.    Your child's success in school depends on having a solid educational background-one that can only be gained through regular school attendance.  

Spring Food Drive Challenge:  The Holmes School Student Council is sponsoring a Spring Food Drive Challenge.  Donations are being collected in individual classrooms through April 22.  Donations will be given to the Oak Park and River Forest Food Pantry.  Help us reach our goal by helping others!

GOTR:  The spring session of Girls on the Run has begun.  Girls on the Run is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization dedicated to educating and preparing girls for a lifetime of self respect and healthy living.  We use experiential learning programs which combine training for a 5k (3.1 mile) race with a lesson plan designed to promote good choices and an active lifestyle.  
This session I, along with Mrs. Cushing and Ms. Jennings, have the privilege of working with 17 3rd, 4th and 5th graders for 11 weeks as we prepare for the race on June 6 at Montrose Harbor in Chicago.

Stay well,
Suzie Hackmiller

Friday, February 20, 2009

Weekly Update

Room 215:  As many of you are aware, Mrs. Anderson, third grade teacher, will be welcoming a new addition to her family very soon.  Last night we welcomed Ms. Sheila Barabad to our Holmes family as she prepares to take over in Mrs. Anderson's absence.  
Ms. Barabad is a graduate of Dominican University with a Masters in Education.  She enjoys photography and playing the violin.  Please introduce yourself to Ms. Barabad if you see her and help us to make her feel welcome.  She will be in the building soon to begin learning the routine in third grade and getting to know the super star students.

Spirit Wear: Check out the new Spirit Wear items being sold by the Holmes Student Council!  Spirit Wear order forms are due February 27.  

5th Graders:  Don't forget that the 6th Grade Brooks Exploratory/Elective forms are due by Friday, April 17, 2009. Please turn these in to the 5th grade homeroom teachers.  If your 5th grader is interested in shadowing a current 6th grade student, please call Mary Lee Henricks, Brooks 6th grade AP, to schedule after March 16.

Stay well,

Suzie Hackmiller

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Illinois Standards Achievement Test/Illinois Alternate Assessment

ISAT & IAA:  The beginning of March marks the beginning of ISAT/IAA testing across the State of Illinois.  In an elementary school, the testing is in third, fourth and fifth grades.  More information will be forthcoming regarding the testing schedule, but the window of mandated testing is the first two weeks of March.  Due to Casmir Pulaski Day on March 2nd, a day for testing within the window is lost.  

How can you help your child and us?  Please make sure that your child is at school everyday and is ON TIME.  Once a testing session has begun, any child arriving late must remain in the office because no room is to be disturbed.  PLEASE do not have a doctor or dentist appointment during these weeks.  If you pull a child for an appointment, his score will be based ONLY on what was done.  There is no opportunity for a child to return to a test started during an earlier session. 

I believe that all of our students are being well prepared for ISAT, and we will do all that we can to boost their confidence prior to testing.  We need parents to partner with us on three fronts. 

*Help encourage your child.  This assessment tells us how well the teachers have prepared them to meet the standards the state has identified for each grade level.  It does not determine whether a student will progress to the next grade.

*Make sure that your child has a good nights sleep and enjoys a healthy breakfast before coming to school.

 *Be sure your child comes to school unless illness prevents their attendance.  There will be limited time for make up testing but we prefer not to rely on these.

Your cooperation is appreciated.

Stay well,

Ms. Hackmiller

Thursday, February 12, 2009

February 12 Principal News

From the Desk of Ms. Hackmiller

As this school year flies by, you may find it hard to believe that spring break is just around the corner. The second trimester will end on March 6, and report cards will come home on March 20.  Spirit week begins March 23 and spring break follows, beginning March 30 and ending as we return to school on April 6.

Full Day Kindergarten:
Full day kindergarten is coming to the final four elementary schools in D97, which includes Holmes for the 2009-10 school year.  Registration for Holmes kindergarten will be February 24th 9-12, February 25th 1-4,
May 19-20, July 15-16 and August 19 from 9-12 and 1-4 at the District office located at 970 Madison. Please check the District website for details on what items you must have with you to register.  We encourage you to visit our Kindergarten Open House on May 1 at Holmes School.

Climate Survey:
Please remember to take  a few minutes to complete a District Climate Survey before February 20.  
Paper copies are available in the school office or you can find the link on our school website.

Pancake Breakfast:
The annual Holmes Pancake Breakfast is this Saturday, February 14, 9-11.  Bring your sweetheart in for delicious pancakes this Valentines.

Girls On the Run:
The spring session of Girls on the Run will begin in March for girls in grades 3-5.  Be on the look out for more information.  

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

District 97 Climate Survey for Parents and Guardians

District Climate Survey for Parents and Guardians:

The District 97 Climate Survey is now available online through February 20 on your school’s website, the District website, or at the following address:


Please take a few moments to complete the survey now.  It should not take more than 10 minutes.  You may complete one survey for all of your children attending the same school, but you will need to complete a second survey if any of your children attend a different school and you wish to provide feedback.

You may complete the survey at home or you can use a computer station located in the main office at school.  In addition, paper copies are available upon request at the school office.

 Results of the survey will be used to guide our school improvement efforts and are used in the evaluation process for administrators.  District results will be shared with the Board of Education in April, and individual school reports will be shared in school communities in May.

Your input is valued and appreciated.


Suzie Hackmiller

Friday, February 6, 2009

100 Days in Kindergarten!

Today our Holmes kindergarten friends celebrated the 100th day of school.  

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Perfect Attendance Trimester #1

Approximately 70 students were recognized for earning perfect attendance during the first trimester of the school year.
The students were awarded with a "perfect attendance" certificate and sticker.
Keep up the great work boys and girls!

Ms. Hackmiller

January Principal News

Oliver Wendell Holmes School   

INSPIRE CREATIVITY, CULTIVATE ACADEMIC GROWTH, NURTURE OUR DIVERSE COMMUNITY                                                          

 January 09

 From the Desk of Ms. Hackmiller:

 What a better way to ring in the new year than a skating party.  Thanks to all of those who organized and attended the annual ice-skating party at Ridgeland.  What a blast!


ISAT Information Night was a huge success this year.  Information was shared about the testing process, the kinds of questions that are expected, preparation strategies and how results are used for school planning.  ISAT testing is scheduled March 3-13 for students in grades 3-5.  Third grade students will take Reading, Math and Writing.  Fourth grade students will take Reading, Math, and Science.  Fifth graders will take Reading, Math and Writing.


Family Reading Night was also a hit!  Thank you to Alanna Sullivan, the PTO chair of Rocket Into Reading, and Chris Fascione, actor/storyteller extraordinaire.  Chris shared some entertaining stories which of course required audience participation and resulted in lots of laughs while families enjoyed donuts and hot chocolate on  a cold, snowy Saturday night.


PBIS continues to be a main focus during our school day.  Congratulations to our awesome Holmes students who work hard to follow the Holmes expectations…be respectful, be responsible, and be powerful through peace.  Our weekly drawings of Fantastic Feathers earned by the students continue and many students are earning opportunities to wear pj’s to school, be a special helper or have lunch with the principal.  Congrats to Helena Harmon for earning the first citizenship award of the year.  Helena, a friend of her choice and I will be going out for lunch in the coming weeks.  We are having another (3rd of the year) all school assembly on Friday, January 30 to celebrate the 2nd citizenship honoree…I wonder who it could be?


Summer school for K-4th graders has been scheduled for June 29-July 17.  Middle school academy for students going into 6th grade next year will be held June 9-July 10.  This represents a change from last year’s schedule. School Daze, the optional enrichment program, will take place from June 9-26.  Keep an eye out for more information that will be coming soon from the district office.


We are working hard to keep safety a top priority in and around our school.  We ask that you remain mindful of the new traffic plan and do not drive down Kenilworth, South of Iowa, between the hours of 7:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. on school days.  When you are coming to school we ask that you enter through the main doors, sign in at the office and wear a visitor’s badge each time you visit.  We appreciate your cooperation and vigilance. 


The SIT (School Improvement Team) has been working diligently the past several months on the development of the Holmes Mission Statement.  Thanks to the team for their creativity, focus, cooperation and tenaciousness. 

The mission of Holmes School is….

Inspire creativity, cultivate academic growth, nurture our diverse community.


Zero Waste Update

The reusable lunchroom items have arrived, the dishwasher is being installed and the recycling program has begun.  Do your part as you pack a school lunch and reduce waste as much as possible.  We will be getting a lesson from a master composter in February as our worm bins have arrived and the worms are scheduled for arrival late Feb/early March!    Stay tuned.


With dressing in layers for winter weather comes an overflowing lost and found.  If your child is missing any articles of clothing, please check the lost and found in the main hallway.



February 5th—Family Math Night – Theme – Logic

February 12-13—Parent Teacher Conferences

Stay well,

Suzie Hackmiller