Dear Holmes Families,
I hope that everyone had a restful break! As we move forward with the remainder of the school year, the next two months will be full of activities.
In addition to the excitement that the end of the year brings, it also reminds us that it is time to plan ahead for fall. Soon we will begin the process of developing class lists for the 2009-2010 school year. Special attention is given to having the same student body for each class, i.e., same number of students in each achievement group, behavior, gender, special programs, and learning style.
Input from parents is valued in the placement process. If you would like to provide specific information that will impact your child’s achievement, please complete the Student Profile Worksheet. Student Profile Worksheets are due to the classroom teacher by Friday, May 1st. Specific teachers cannot be requested. Rather, share the knowledge you have about your child, and the Holmes School staff will do the very best to place each student in a class that will best meet his/her needs.
The Holmes Staff will develop class lists based on the number of students at each grade level. The process of creating class lists will ensure a fair and equitable process for all students. Students and parents receive class placement information in late August.
Thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts and for working with us as a team to make the best placement decisions for all students.
Suzie Hackmiller, Principal