Monday, October 4, 2010

2010/11 Month 1 in Review

To set the tone for an upbeat, positive year, we began with a welcome back luau celebration in place of the traditional welcome night.

New students arrived each day for the first two weeks. Our current enrollment is 475. The third grade class is the largest with 85 students, while this year's kindergarten class has just 68.

It has been fun to watch the kindergarteners adjust and adapt to their new environment. They are now seasoned veterans, proudly walking the halls and operating independently in the lunch room.

Our fifth graders have stepped-up to become the school leaders. Along with helping the K and first grade students as bus buddies we introduced lunch buddies
this year. The lunch buddies were a huge help not only to their young charges but to the lunch room supervisors as well. There's only so many milk cartons and yogurt tubes I can get to in 30 minutes.

During the first month we've had two PTO meetings, curriculum night, the Fall Festival and picture day. If you weren't able to participate in these events, we encourage you to join the Holmes community in future events. Check the Holmes calendar for upcoming dates and times.

A few classes have ventured out into the neighborhood on field trips. Mrs. Kuhr's class takes a weekly trip to Trader Joe's, where they apply their math skills to practical experience. When they return, they cook up a treat with the groceries they've purchased.

The second grade social studies curriculum focuses on neighborhoods. Ms. Shearrill's class took advantage of a perfect fall day and took a walking trip around the Holmes neighborhood.

Two teachers welcomed additions to their families. Katie Richardson (DLP), a daughter in August and Jeff Gehrke, a son in September.

The first round of benchmark testing was completed for all students in both reading and math. This assessment data will be used to help inform instructional decisions throughout the year.

The year is off to a good start. We look forward to continuing this momentum into the coming months.